

  • with G Seijts, Kellie Leitch: Authenticity in Leadership (London, ON: Ivey Publishing, 2019). Available from Ivey Publishing, products no. 9B19C007 and 8B19C007.

  • with G Seijts, Griffiths Energy International: The Board’s Dilemma (A) and (B) (London, ON: Ivey Publishing, 2019). Available from Ivey Publishing, products no. 9B18C031, 9B18C032, and 8B18C031.

  • with G Seijts, Farro Biomed: Effective Oversight When Leader Character is a Risk (London, ON: Ivey Publishing, 2019). Available from Ivey Publishing, product no. 9B18C050 and 8B18C050.

  • with G Seijts, Mitch Landrieu: Using Communication to Lead Change in Racial Conflict (London, ON: Ivey Publishing, 2018). Available from Ivey Publishing, product no. 9B18C011 and 8B18C011. Nominated to the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), international case writing competition.

  • Y Boychuk, L Kryzhanaovska, S Opatska, and A Rozhdestvensky, The Ministry of Defence of Ukraine: The Role of Character in Reform (London, ON: Ivey Publishing, 2017), substantive editor. Available from Ivey Publishing, product no. 9B17C042 and 8B17C042.

  • with M Rowell, “Shared Leadership: The Freedom to Do Bioethics,” (2004) 16(4) HEC Forum 296–315.

  • “Alice’s Wonderland: Authority of an Attorney for Property to Amend a Beneficiary Designation,” (2002) 22 Estates, Trusts and Pensions Journal 16–42.

  • Case Comment on Public Guardian and Trustee v. Duggan (Ont. C.A.), (1999) 19 Estates, Trusts and Pensions Journal 10–12.

  • “When ‘Closest’ Isn’t Close Enough,” Case Comment on Public Guardian and Trustee v. Duggan (Ont. Ct. (Gen. Div.)), (1999) 18 Estates, Trusts and Pensions Journal 219–226.


  • “How to Read a Photograph,” in TVET English FAL Level 3 Student’s Book (South Africa: Macmillan, 2017).

  • “Substitute Decisions,” chap. 24 in AH Oosterhoff, Oosterhoff on Wills and Succession, 7th ed. (Toronto: Thomson Carswell, 2011); 6th ed. (Toronto: Thomson Carswell, 2007); 5th ed. (Toronto: Thomson Carswell, 2001); reviewed by W Griesdorf, (2002) 21 Estates, Trusts and Pensions Journal 173–176 at 175.

  • with NJ Best, Willing and Able: A Practical Guide to Powers of Attorney in Ontario, 2nd ed. (Belleville: Essence Publ, 2004), 168 pages; 1st ed. (Belleville: Essence Publ, 1998), legal editor.

  • with RM Solomon, “The Changing Health Care Environment” and “Overview of Health Law” in SB Kidd, ed., A Physician’s Legal Manual (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 1996) 3–12.

  • with RM Solomon, A Legal Survival Guide for Social Workers (Toronto: Family Service Ontario, 1996), 48 pages.

  • with RM Solomon, Healthcare Law and Policy Casebook, 6th ed. (London: University of Western Ontario, 1996), 234 pages; 5th ed. (London: University of Western Ontario, 1995); supportive funding received through a writing grant from the Law Foundation of Ontario.


  • 41 tutorials and articles, Envato Tuts+ (2011–2017),


  • Book Review of Canadian Health Law and Policy by J Downie and T Caulfield, eds. (1999) 32 Annals of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons 428.